Opportunity Knocks

They used to say that the Arabs "never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity". In that process Israel usually benefited from Arab mistakes.
All that has changed now as the Kadima Crazies seek to outdo even the lunacy of Rabin's Oslo surrenders in feeding, healing, heating, lighting, arming and rescuing the enemy that has never ceased inciting and espousing the total destruction of Israel.
With the trampling of the Rafiah border fence, over half a million Gazans have spilled over into Egypt; one of the 5 Arab countries that created their refugee status by invading the nascent State of Israel in 1948. For 60 years they have refused to invite their Arab brothers to make a home and a future for their families in Egypt. Now 500,000 family members have turned up uninvited.
In normal times one would expect Israel not the miuss this opportunity to truly disengage from Gaza, seal the border and leave the the Egyptians to take care of the Gazans for whose plight they have shed som many 'crocodile tears'.
But just like King Saul failed to kill Agag when he had the chance, and just like Israel allowed Arafat safe passage out of Beirut and then brought him back from Tunis to Ramallah on the Oslo lifeboat - you can bet that Olmert and Livni will overreach themselves in missing this opportunity.
Once again - without being asked - Olmert will be the first to volunteer to help its 'peace partner' Egypt to restore the status quo.
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