Charles & Jerusalem

It's hard to believe that Charles and his new spouse would 'never' visit the world's epicentre of monotheistic faiths in their lifetime.
So the subtext must be: there was no chance ever of Prince Charles accepting "an Israeli" invitation to visit Jerusalem.
Doubtless the British Foreign Office waits for the day Jerusalem is restored to Arab rule. It's hard to imagine 'King' Charles passing up an invite from the next mufti.
The way Olmert and Livni are behaving in the runup to Annapolis, Charles and Camilla won't have long to wait. Here's the one-liner I posted on the JC Letters section:
"Why should Israel expect Prince Charles to visit Jerusalem when its own government is in such a hurry to give it away?"Personally I think that Charles should accept an invitation from Olmert, as they have so much in common.
For all his pre-Annapolis pleas for Arab recognition of Israel as 'a Jewish State' Olmert has more time for Palestinian rights than the wellbeing of his own people. To Abbas and his murderers in Ramallah and Nablus he sends million-dollar checks, guns, ammunition and now armoured jeeps. To Judea and Samaria he sends mounted police to beat Jews into submission while ignoring the continued rocketing of Jewish homes in Sderot. So much for his cares for the 'Jewish' state.
But just as Olmert has let down the home team, so has Charles. A while ago he announced his intentions to be crowned as 'Defender of Faith' as opposed to the accepted 'Defender of the Faith'.
Now there's a whole different subtext to chew on!
Labels: jerusalem, prince charles
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