December 04, 2009

Jerusalem - a message to the world

After watching this video, I realised that this was the same Stanley Goldfoot whose Jerusalem apartment I had almost bought some years ago. A soft-spoken unassuming man, I had no idea that he could have been a former intelligence officer in Avram Stern's underground movement: LEHI.

Stanley Goldfoot died in November 2006 at the age of 96.
His 'Letter to the World' lives on ....

One of his more successful schemes during his years as a LEHI fighter was the founding of a scholarly journal concerning itself with the Middle East. Through these unsuspecting and lawful means, Goldfoot was able to secure press credentials as a foreign correspondent. With the unknowing aid of such figures as Abba Eban, Goldfoot created a ruse upon which the most up-to date British military intelligence was at his disposal. The information he gathered not only went toward the publishing of articles in his journal, but additionally, and more importantly, directly to the LEHI high-command in Tel Aviv. Goldfoot was present at all press briefings by the British Mandate Authority and later United Nations' personnel and had virtually unlimited access to the key figures dominating the scene. Freedom of movement in a Jerusalem frequently subject to curfews was an additional benefit of press credentials and his journal. Goldfoot was able to gather intelligence information for his clandestine organization as well as be in places restricted to the ordinary Jewish citizen.

For more informaton see this LINK.

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