January 26, 2010

Obama's State of the Union Address - Extract

"My party’s embarrassing defeat at the senate election in Massachusetts was a shock.

Especially coming as it did on my first anniversary as your president.

I know I am not popular right now. But please bear in mind that the leadership of the free world is something very new to me.

All of us had to learn to crawl before we could walk.
Which is why – during my first year as your president – I have not missed an opportunity to practice my crawling.

To the Iranians, to the Syrians and the Muslim world in general.

To Chavez in Venezuela and to Kim in North Korea.

And, in the case of the Saudis and Japanese, I’ve even managed to get onto my feet and learned to bow.

But my fellow Americans … do not mistake any of this for weakness. Where America is threatened, I am prepared to be tough and bring to bear the full power of the presidency to bear down in our defense.

The greatest threat to our country is not Bin Laden.
It's the banks !

I will be as relentless in pursuing and harrassing those in control of Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Chase Bank and CitiBank as I have been to those in control of the West Bank.

God bless America. "

[God .. please save America from this man !]


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