Fighting Common Foes

In response to Larry Derfner’s excellent report on the
“Ask not what we can do for them – but what they can do for us”.
And why? To escape Islamic tyranny and return to a life of Christian values which are being ethnically cleansed from their homelands.
Just as the escapees from Nazism were drafted into the Haganah from the very beaches they arrived on, these survivors could be drafted into the IDF to join our common fight against Islamism. A war to which most of
They should be awarded citizenship on completion of their army service which will have usefully familiarised them with the language and culture of the country.
Who knows? Perhaps they will become one of the most feared units in the IDF. And perhaps, in later life, some will take up seats in the Knesset and replace those held by seditious Arab MKs whose 'brotherhood' would have so callously shot the refugees at the Egyptian border.